
Thwarting Terrorist Threats at Home

Although the U.S. has not experienced another terrorist attack like the one on September 11, 2001 (9/11), the threat remains. In fact, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned that the danger of an Islamic extremist-inspired terrorist attack inside the country is at the highest point since 9/11. Learn how

A Homeland Vulnerability Continues

The U visa process offers help to immigrants who are victims of certain violent crimes. However, loopholes or weaknesses in the process could provide a safe haven for undeserving applicants. Learn more about the process, its flaws, and how to close the gaps to guard against foreign threats while protecting

Ham Radio Support for Tribal Emergency Preparedness

In collaboration with many local, state, and federal partners, the Northwest Tribal Emergency Management Council hosted the 14th Annual Regional Joint Tribal Emergency Preparedness Conference on 1-3 May 2017, at the Suquamish Indian Tribe’s center overlooking dxʷsəq̕ʷəb (“place of the clear salt water” in the Southern Lushootseed language) at Agate
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