
Two scientists in yellow PPE prepare samples under scientific hood

Fentanyl Hazards and Detection

The deadly opioid epidemic in the United States does not stop at overdoses. It also poses life-threatening exposure to first responders who arrive on scene. Learn about the new ways scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are expanding detection strategies and technologies to keep these responders safe.
woman sitting at a table with various radio equipment

Amateurs of Action – The Women of Radio

Volunteers are transforming emergency preparedness with an inclusive, diverse movement of impactful community engagement. Explore the inspiring stories of some remarkable women breaking barriers and building resilient communication networks in the heart of amateur radio.

Needed: More Imagination for Countering Domestic Risks

From “Lord of the Flies” to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, significant consequences have been blamed on failures of imagination. Avoid repeating past mistakes and increasing risk through innovation, new technologies, and forward-thinking.

Emerging Technologies, Part 1 – Information and Communication

This is Part 1 of a five-part series on emerging technologies that can enhance the management of and response to future emergencies and disasters. This part focuses on an all-hazards emergency management approach and information and communication technologies.
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