AI Partners – Filling Law Enforcement Experience Gaps
Jeff Henderson
July 26, 2023
As the hiring gap in law enforcement widens, agencies must find innovative solutions to maintain the experience and wisdom of their seasoned officers. Artificial intelligence is one solution being explored to transfer this critical knowledge.
Three Keys to Life-Saving Hurricane Season Communication
Brian Toolan
July 26, 2023
Years of strategy and planning go into crisis response and developing a communication plan that keeps people safe, clearly outlines the situation, and empowers them to act. Learn about the three key factors to a successful communications plan during hurricane season.
Maintaining Planning Strategies for Evolving Threats
Catherine L. Feinman
July 25, 2023
Research and evaluation help emergency preparedness professionals stay current on emerging threats, new technologies, and resource and training gaps. The authors in this July edition of the Domestic Preparedness Journal share important research and lessons learned to assist in the planning process for any organization.
Long-Term Care Facilities in Emergency Preparedness Planning
Tanya M. Scherr and Daniel Scherr
July 19, 2023
An important part of community emergency preparedness planning includes long-term care facilities such as nursing homes, dialysis, home care centers, or hospice facilities. Plans must in place for these facilities to care for the residents in their care during emergencies.
Incident Management – The Whataburger Way
Ron Derrick
July 19, 2023
The Whataburger Command Center team uses a hybrid form of the Incident Command System when an unexpected event threatens the company’s stability, reputation, or operations. The main goal is to minimize damages and ensure the company’s survival and quick recovery.
Inside the “Boot Camp” for Emergency Managers
Michael Valiente
July 12, 2023
The first cohort of the Texas Emergency Management Academy has graduated. Learn about the components of this unique and comprehensive 8-month program from the perspective of one of the graduating cadets.
Family Terror Networks 2.0: January 6, Part 2
Dean C. Alexander and Huseyin Cinoglu
July 12, 2023
Research shows family-affiliated extremism contributed to more than one-sixth of all January 6 defendants. Homeland security and law enforcement agencies must understand family-affiliated extremism and the efforts needed to combat it. Part 2 of 2.
Family Terror Networks 2.0: January 6, Part 1
Dean C. Alexander and Huseyin Cinoglu
July 5, 2023
Research shows family-affiliated extremism contributed to more than one-sixth of all January 6 defendants. Homeland security and law enforcement agencies must understand family-affiliated extremism and the efforts needed to combat it. Part 1 of 2.
Creating a New Standard for Evaluating Tabletop Exercises
John Duda and Scott J. Glick
July 5, 2023
Tabletop exercises are vital in preparing organizations to respond to critical incidents. However, an industry standard has not emerged on how to evaluate their effectiveness. A new standard that implements quantitative and qualitative assessment tools is needed.