Keeping Humans in the Loop: The Future of Emergency Management
Justin Kates and Emily Martuscello
February 5, 2025
The emergence of powerful artificial intelligence tools generates excitement and apprehension, raising profound questions about the future of emergency response. By adopting the joint cognitive systems paradigm, emergency managers are offered a new way of thinking about their work in this environment.
Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Management
Alex Hagen and Jonathan (Jon) Barr
December 18, 2024
Recent research into the relationship between AI and emergency management uncovered an environment prepared for AI-based solutions. While AI must overcome some infrastructure hurdles, technologies to prevent, mitigate, and recover from emergencies are on the horizon.
Emergency Management of Tomorrow: Emerging Technologies and Concepts
Dan Cotter, Christina Bapst-Stump, Ann Lesperance and Rachel A. Bartholomew
December 11, 2024
More frequent and intense disasters put pressure on emergency managers and emergency operations centers to share and analyze data faster than ever before and with more reliability and defensibility. The future of emergency management is changing fast—and so is the science and technology to protect it.
From Today to Tomorrow: The Emergency Operations Center of the Future
Nick Betzsold and Grant Tietje
December 11, 2024
The next-generation EOC, which implements cutting-edge technology and AI, does not promise perfect disaster management, but it does mean responders at all levels will have better situational awareness, plan more efficiently, and act faster.
Growing Foreign Threats to National Security, Part 2: Emergency Management Approaches and Choices
Glen Woodbury
October 30, 2024
This is Part 2 of a two-part article that explores the nation-state threat and its implications for the emergency management community regarding the operations, resilience, resourcing, strategies, and policies necessary to better prepare for future events.
Growing Foreign Threats to National Security, Part 1: Challenges and Considerations
Glen Woodbury
October 23, 2024
Part 1 of a two-part series explores the nation-state threat and its implications for the emergency management community, regarding the operations, resilience, resourcing, strategies, and policies necessary to better prepare for future events.
The Ethics of Data in Disaster Management and Crisis Operations
Anthony S. Mangeri
October 23, 2024
As the demand for evidence-based decision-making continues to grow, emergency management professionals must commit to ethical data practices that respect the needs of the community and the rights of individuals. In times of crisis, data can save lives, but only if managed with care, responsibility, and respect for ethical principles.
Cyber and Physical Resilience in the Food and Agriculture Industry
Nathan DiPillo
October 16, 2024
Despite low profit margins and major setbacks caused by natural hazards and disasters, the food and agriculture sector continues to find innovative solutions. Balancing and integrating new concepts and technological advancements with an old-school farming mentality will keep this sector resilient and thriving when battling cyber and environmental threats.
Backyard Cybersecurity: The Local Challenge
Brian Shajari
October 16, 2024
The modern world increasingly relies on rapidly advancing digital technology, and cybercriminals progressively focus on ways to exploit technology’s vulnerabilities. Although higher levels of government and businesses may possess the tools necessary to protect against cyberattacks, local governments often do not.
Malicious and Non-Malicious Cyber Incidents: Education and Preparation
Dan Scherr and Tanya M. Scherr
October 9, 2024
Working with stakeholders across an organization to ensure cyber resilience is a part of disaster planning. Education is critical. Helping users understand hackers’ strategies to compromise an organization is foundational, and forward-looking efforts can help prevent oversights or critical failures during larger events.
Securing Cities: The Fight Against Local Level Cyberthreats
Michael Breslin
October 2, 2024
As digital threats against local governments and private entities grow more sophisticated, the need for action becomes urgent. Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, and at the local level, it forms the bedrock of the collective digital safety and security for all. Every citizen, agency, and organization must play a part
Thwarting Terrorist Threats at Home
Richard Schoeberl
September 25, 2024
Although the U.S. has not experienced another terrorist attack like the one on September 11, 2001 (9/11), the threat remains. In fact, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned that the danger of an Islamic extremist-inspired terrorist attack inside the country is at the highest point since 9/11. Learn how
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