
A Violent Surge – Sovereign Citizens vs. Government Authority

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has classified the Sovereign Citizen movement as a domestic terrorist threat. To prepare law enforcement officials and other public safety agencies for the risks associated with this movement, agencies need to revise policies, procedures, and training to be more effective in handling encounters with extremist
An empty classroom with desks and chairs, featuring walls covered in code and sunlight shining through the windows.

Backyard Cybersecurity: The Local Challenge

The modern world increasingly relies on rapidly advancing digital technology, and cybercriminals progressively focus on ways to exploit technology’s vulnerabilities. Although higher levels of government and businesses may possess the tools necessary to protect against cyberattacks, local governments often do not.

Drones: A Life-Saving Time-Saver

As drone technology continues to evolve, it is important for law enforcement and other first responder agencies to understand the range of possible applications and physical and legal limitations of these tools. This article highlights the uses that save lives and time during incidents.
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