
Mitigating Disasters Through Collective Resilience

Existing social bonds can help communities better adapt to, respond to, and collectively cope with crises. Although the collective resilience concept is not a typical emergency preparedness strategy or organizational structure, it could help lessen the effects after an emergency. With creative thinking and research, executive leadership can develop realistic

The Key Bridge Collapse – Through the Lens of Community Lifelines

The eight major elements of Community Lifelines use traffic-light-type color-coding to categorize the adverse impact status of a disaster. The article’s author has applied this same system to the recovery efforts following the Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland. Learn how he applied this information-gathering tool to an ongoing recovery
wildfire in woods with smoke

Mitigate the Impacts When Communities and Nature Collide

Emergency preparedness professionals plan for and try to mitigate natural hazard events, but nature is unpredictable. In this May edition of the Domestic Preparedness Journal, experts discuss past hazards and steps communities can take to mitigate their effects.
Person wearing glasses, white protective suit, blue gloves, and respirator, holding up thumb in a room with mold on the walls.

Shielding Communities: Public Health Strategies for Natural Hazards

Public health risks are common concerns when natural hazards occur. However, history shows that the increasing frequency of events and growing population sizes have been increasing the scale of events and the needs of affected populations. To mitigate complex public health challenges, personnel across disciplines must plan, coordinate, and develop
A dark tunnel of question marks with a bright city skyline in the center

The “R” Word

Resilience has multiple meanings for public health, emergency, and homeland security management professionals. However, the objective of building resilience should go beyond hazard mitigation. With 2024 being FEMA’s “Year of Resilience,” it is a good time for professionals to start rethinking this concept.
Man with headset sitting at a desk in front of computers

Interoperability During Mass Casualty Incidents

During a mass casualty incident, response agencies must be able to communicate in real-time. This means that interoperability plans need to include everyone involved in the response. One lesson learned from past incidents is that hospitals are an often overlooked “responder.” Learn what one agency is doing to close this
silhouette of three women on mountain cliff with sun setting in background

An Editor’s Personal Journey to Emergency Preparedness

In honor of Women’s History Month, the March edition of the Domestic Preparedness Journal features articles by inspirational women who, through their service and writing, are instrumental in building more prepared and resilient communities. The editor also shares her personal journey into emergency preparedness.
A piggy bank sitting on top of quarters that spilled from a glass jar next to small wooden houses

Emergency Management Goes to the Hill

Emergency managers work behind the scenes to ensure the safety, security, and resilience of communities before, during, and after a disaster. As the requests for assistance increase, funding is not meeting these demands. Leaders from three nationwide organizations went to Washington, D.C., to advocate for emergency management professionals and urge
woman sitting at a table with various radio equipment

Amateurs of Action – The Women of Radio

Volunteers are transforming emergency preparedness with an inclusive, diverse movement of impactful community engagement. Explore the inspiring stories of some remarkable women breaking barriers and building resilient communication networks in the heart of amateur radio.
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