On February 3, 2005, the day after President Bush’s State of the Union Address, DomPrep’s John Morton, James D. Hessman, and Martin Masiuk visited with retired Coast Guard Admiral James M. Loy, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), at his headquarters in Washington.
Admiral Loy addresses the soon-to-be released National Cargo Security Strategy:
- overall cargo security strategy
- when it will be released
- cargo security standards and best practices
- making the return on investment (RoI) case for implementing security technologies and procedures
- risk management and the review process for port security grants
Admiral Loy discussing the National Response Plan (NRP):
- how DHS and homeland security stakeholders put the NRP together
- the interface with state, local and tribal governments and the private sector
Admiral Loy talks about the organizational structure provided by the NRP:
- Homeland Security Operations Center (HSOC)
- National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC)
- National Response Coordination Center (NRCC)
- Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC)
- Joint Field Office (JFO)
- Principal Federal Office (PFO)
- Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG)
Admiral Loy speaks the NRP and training:
- private sector input to preparedness response and planning
- NRP training modules
- NRP Web Site for further information
Thanks to the staff of Acting Secretary Admiral Loy, and especially Kathleen Montgomery for making this interview possible.

James D. Hessman
James D. Hessman is former editor in chief of both the Navy League’s Sea Power Magazine and the League’s annual Almanac of Seapower. Prior to that dual assignment he was senior editor of Armed Forces Journal International.
- James D. Hessman#molongui-disabled-link
- James D. Hessman#molongui-disabled-link
- James D. Hessman#molongui-disabled-link
- James D. Hessman#molongui-disabled-link

John F. Morton
John F. Morton is the Strategic Advisor for DomPrep. He is also the Homeland Security Team Lead for the Project on National Security Reform (PNSR). A member of the DomPrep team since its founding, he has served as managing editor for writer assignments and interviewer for scores of DomPrep audio interviews.
- John F. Morton#molongui-disabled-link
- John F. Morton#molongui-disabled-link
- John F. Morton#molongui-disabled-link
- John F. Morton#molongui-disabled-link

Martin D. Masiuk
Martin (Marty) Masiuk is president and founder of International Media Representatives Inc. (IMR Group Inc.), which was established in 1986 as an American-based media representation firm for overseas, aerospace, and defense publications. In 1998, under the IMR Group, he established DomesticPreparedness.com, which has evolved into a highly trusted, and important information service for the multi-disclipline, multi-jurisdiction preparedness community. In 2014, he transitioned the DomPrep40 into the Preparedness Leadership Council to lessen the burden on and increase the effectiveness of operational preparedness professionals and help policy professionals make better-informed decisions. Prior to IMR Group, he served as an account representative for McGraw Hill’s Business Week and Aviation Week & Space Technology publications.
- Martin D. Masiuk#molongui-disabled-link
- Martin D. Masiuk#molongui-disabled-link
- Martin D. Masiuk#molongui-disabled-link
- Martin D. Masiuk#molongui-disabled-link

James M. Loy
Admiral James Loy, USCG (Ret.), is a senior counselor at The Cohen Group. Previously, he was commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard (1998-2002), administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (2002-2003), and deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush (2003-2005). He is also the co-chair of ProtectingAmerica.org.
- James M. Loy#molongui-disabled-link