Parking Security: A Lot to Think About

An underground garage open to the general public and poorly lighted is an open invitation to a robber, a rapist, or a murderer. Also to a terrorist whose life’s ambition is to kill as many Americans as possible, even at the cost of his own life.

NIMS Preparedness and Resource Management

One of the core components of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) is Resource Management. Preparedness is another. The other principal components are: Communications and Information Management; Command and Management;

A Jubilant Festival of Preparedness

A behind-the-scenes CDC report on how DHS’s NIMS & ICS guidelines were pressed into service to protect the participants (from 27 countries and territories) in this year’s Festival of Pacific Arts, hosted by American Samoa.

Hybridizing the Power Supply

Enhance emergency preparedness by installing heating systems that also can generate electrical power during severe weather. The most important benefit, though, would be not a change in equipment but a change both in thinking & in planning ahead.
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