Hi-Tech Food Banks & the Safety of Food Supply Chains
Scott McCallum
April 4, 2012
According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, more than one-third of adults across
the United States are part of the “obesity epidemic.” The most important “nutritional” problem facing
American consumers, though, might not be calories but contamination. This is particularly true of the
billions of pounds of food generously distributed each year through and by the nation’s food banks and
various charitable organizations.
Aligning Priorities with Healthcare Coalitions
Andrew R. Roszak
April 3, 2012
Growth in the number and capabilities of the nation’s healthcare coalitions will undoubtedly continue for the foreseeable future – as will the operational capabilities of those coalitions. Helping that growth, and making the coalitions both more capable and more cost-effective, is a new plan (going into effect this summer) to enhance uniformity if and when needed, while maintaining the diversity required to meet regional concerns and circumstances.