Human Trafficking – A National Security Issue
Richard Schoeberl and Benjamin Nivens
July 25, 2018
The United States abolished slavery nearly 150 years ago. However, human exploitation through sex and forced labor remains a growing human rights violation and national security issue. Human trafficking is not prejudicial to nationality, age, gender, or socioeconomic status and is closer to home than most would like to consider. The exploitation and violation of human rights knows no boundaries and requires preparedness and response efforts from every country, every state, and every city.

Securing Communities as National Security Threats Evolve
Catherine L. Feinman
July 25, 2018
There is no quick fix for addressing all national security threats. Even if there were, it would still be challenging to keep up with the threat environment as it continually

Three Ways AI Helps Prepare for Future Attacks
Michael Ellenbogen
July 18, 2018
Terrorist attacks and mass shootings have changed the threat landscape. In the old-world paradigm, planes were the target and metallic objects were the key concern. In the new-world paradigm, anything can be a target. Thus, the security response needs to shift from reactive to proactive. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the key to moving from a reactive to proactive security response. Three specific applications of AI in the physical security field enable organizations to prevent attacks, not just react to them.

The Big Data Bind
Daniel M. Gerstein
July 18, 2018
The use of genealogy websites to find the alleged Golden State killer, Cambridge Analytica’s use of
Facebook data to develop targeted ads for the 2016 presidential campaign, and the loss of privacy
resulting from the sharing of information on social media bring into focus some of the unintended
consequences of the collection, storage, and proliferation of personal information. The use of data in
novel and unexpected ways pits users’ demand for privacy against their desire to take advantage of the
many benefits today’s technology has to offer.

2018 Business Resilience Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Rodger (Kevin) Clark
July 11, 2018
Today, businesses face many natural and manmade threats. Focusing on active shooter incidents
alone, businesses are targeted more than any other entity. According to a 2014 FBI Law Enforcement
Bulletin, between 2000 and 2013, most (45.6%) active shooter incidents occurred at businesses, with the
next highest being education facilities (24.4%). To address these and other threats, business owners
must have a continuity or emergency action plan that highlights mitigation, preparation, response, and