Mass Shootings: Planning and Response Considerations
Domestic Preparedness
December 6, 2011
Critical incidents such as school shootings, workplace violence incidents, domestic violence attacks, and terrorist threats are occurring with alarming frequency. This four-hour planning and response course led by the Kernersville Fire Department will help public safety agencies and crisis planners adapt to these changes in society so that the appropriate delivery of emergency services is ensured in a time of crisis.
Mapping: An Increasingly Valuable Emergency Management Tool
Kay C. Goss
November 30, 2011
Since the mid-19th century, the method for mapping disasters has evolved from hard-copy maps with manually plotted cases of cholera outbreaks to advanced satellite-based global information systems. The development, introduction, and use of a broad spectrum of GIS systems that can pinpoint – quickly, precisely, and on a continuing basis – the exact locations of ships, aircraft, ground vehicles, and people now provide an almost unlimited number of applications for the emergency management profession.
ECBC - Protecting Those Who Protect Others
Catherine L. Feinman
November 28, 2011
In July of this year, DomPrep and special invited guests had the honor of being invited to tour the U.S. Army’s Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) at the Aberdeen Proving