DomPrep Journal: Counter-Terrorism Protecting the Homeland

Brigadier General Simon Perry, Israel National Police

In most fields, basic training is part of the learning process. Fire, law enforcement, the military, and other disciplines have training academies for building competencies and testing new recruits. An exception to these types of requirements is the field of emergency management. This new training academy will ensure that all emergency managers are trained to the same standards regardless how much boots-on-the-ground experience they bring with them.

The IED Problem: Solutions On Display, and On the Way

Improvised explosive devices have already caused more than 16,000 casualties, and the number is growing almost every day. Front-line commanders joined forces with industry leaders to discuss & develop workable anti-IED systems.

Privatizing War? PMCs: The Invisible Force Multiplier

Following the constitutional precedent established by the issuance of Letters of Marque and Reprisal, PMCs contributions may become critical to success on the Global War on Terrorism. Will the question of legality withstand the test?

Brigadier General Simon Perry, Israel National Police

Perry, now serving as his country’s deputy police attaché to North America, discusses the many ways in which Israel and the United States are working and training together, primarily through a law-enforcement exchange program.

The JTTFs -Jointness at Its Most Effective!

It started as an innovative approach to the prevention of bank robberies. Today, the same multi-agency approach is being used, with increasing effectiveness, to detect, prevent, and/or deal with the consequences of terrorist attacks.

Terrorism: The Cyberspace Battleground

Yesterday’s hackers have become today’s cyber criminals, & tomorrow could be cyber terrorists. Technology marches on, providing new opportunities both for human progress and for those fixated on destroying Western civilization and the infidel economy.

Chemical Nerve Agents: A 24/7 Threat

Organophosphorous insecticides, low-cost & readily available at local garden shops, could be the WMD of choice for tomorrow’s terrorists. Antidotes are available, but are under lock & key far from the scene of a likely incident of national significance.



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