Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning (E0131)
Domestic Preparedness
February 27, 2014
No amount of exercising is constructive without a structured evaluation that enables the jurisdiction or organization to identify strengths, weaknesses, gaps, and disconnects. This course, offered by the Emergency Management Institute, focuses on a systematic exercise and improvement planning program for federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, and other organizations.
Exercise Extent-of-Play Agreements
George Yantosik and Ken Lerner
February 26, 2014
Large-scale disasters require response efforts from multiple organizations that must plan and exercise well in advance. For a successful joint exercise, there must be points of agreement, including: scope of exercise, degree of participation by each organization, coordination of exercise activities, and evaluation process for lessons learned from the exercise.
Preparing the Next Generation for War on the Virtual Battlefront
Rodrigo (Roddy) Moscoso
February 25, 2014
A “cyber Pearl Harbor” is imminent, according to government and industry experts. Recognizing the threat and implementing programs and training to better guard against such threats is critical to protect the various U.S. infrastructure systems and networks.
Cyber Grand Strategies: Technology vs. Human Interaction
Bonnie Butlin
February 19, 2014
One lesson learned from the National Security Agency leaks in 2013 is that disrupting terrorist activities in cyberspace requires more than just the latest technology. Human interaction plays a critical role in thwarting criminal activity while protecting personal information and privacy. Canada offers one example of leveraging human networks and professional information sharing.
Fusion Centers & the Public Health Advantage
Raphael M. Barishansky and Seth Komansky
February 19, 2014
Law enforcement as well as public health agencies could benefit from sharing interdisciplinary information through the state fusion centers. Four public health situations would particularly benefit from such partnerships: bioterrorism attacks; communicable disease outbreaks; suspicious activity reports; and the use of illicit drugs.
The Real NCIS: An Interview With Thomas Betro
Aaron Sean Poynton
February 19, 2014
The Naval Criminal Investigative Service’s (NCIS) former Director Thomas Betro provides insights on
how to keep the U.S. homeland safe from both physical threats and cyberthreats. He shares information
specific to NCIS’s responsibilities, technologies, and efforts to protect against cyber, piracy, and
insider threats.
Information Systems - Advancing Capabilities & Increasing Risks
Craig DeAtley
February 12, 2014
When hospitals transition from paper documents to an electronic healthcare information system, patient records become easier to track and to link between clinicians and hospitals. However, these advanced capabilities and benefits involve certain risks – higher costs, program failures, staffing needs, and security concerns. Protecting sensitive information from potential threats remains a high priority, regardless of what system is in place.
The Operational Imperative of Cybersecurity & Resilience
Tom Ridge
February 12, 2014
As technology advances, so do the interconnected relationships among various technologies,
communities, and infrastructures. This interconnectedness creates greater efficiency, but also raises
many concerns. The consequences of not making cybersecurity an integral part of risk management and
strategic decision-making plans can be devastating.
CHEMPACK 2.0: A Policy Roadmap
Timothy Stephens
February 11, 2014
Since 2003, the CHEMPACK program has been in place to help protect U.S. emergency responders and receivers, as well as civilians, in the event of a nerve-agent attack. By pre-positioning medical countermeasures, antidotes are readily available as needed. It is now time to reevaluate and update the program to include changes that have occurred over the past decade.
Bridging the Medical Ladders
Joseph Cahill
February 5, 2014
Paramedics acquire a wealth of skills and knowledge, but their tasks are physically demanding and the risk of injury is high. Rather than discarding their training and starting over, these skilled professionals instead could transition to higher-level, less-strenuous job positions. With a few changes, hospitals and communities can continue to move these valuable resources up the ladder.