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User Guide for Responder-Driven Technology Development

With new technology coming to market at a record pace, it can be difficult to know whether products are reliable, durable, and secure enough to make the nation’s emergency management professionals safer, better connected, and fully aware. The market is flooded with tools and capabilities that may be of benefit

Wearable Sensors for Chemical & Biological Detection

One of the strengths of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is the ability to conduct comprehensive technology foraging and objective assessments of various technology areas. This article highlights leading research by others in the area of chemical and biological (chem/bio) detection that could be further developed into robust, highly

Technology Development & Science-Based Solutions

Science-based research is useful in analyzing and reducing risks through the development of new technologies for detecting, sampling, and studying various contaminants and unknown substances. Teams of scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory play a large role in ensuring that first responders have the necessary tools to perform their critical

National Laboratory Support for First Responders’ Biodetection Needs

In an ever-changing biological environment, laboratory support is necessary to help responders identify, categorize, and manage incidents involving biological threats. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is one source that provides valuable testing data to help today’s first responders collect, screen,identify, and ultimately protect against such threats.


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ARTICLE OUT LOUD – Advisory Board Spotlight: Interview with Ray Barishansky

Interview with Ray Barishansky, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness.Ray Barishansky, DrPH, is on the advisory board for the Domestic Preparedness Journal and has a passion for public health and emergency management. He sat down with the Journal’s Nicolette Casey to share his story. Learn about Dr. Barishansky’s journey

ARTICLE OUT LOUD – The Ethics of Data in Disaster Management and Crisis Operations

Full article by Anthony Mangeri, an Article Out Loud from Domestic PreparednessAs the demand for evidence-based decision-making continues to grow, emergency management professionals must commit to ethical data practices that respect the needs of the community and the rights of individuals. In times of crisis, data can save lives, but

Article Out Loud – Backyard Cybersecurity: The Local Challenge

Full article by Brian Shajari, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness.In this featured article, a cybersecurity expert shares the importance of cybersecurity to local government functions. Although higher levels of government and businesses may possess the tools necessary to protect against cyberattacks, local governments often do not.Learn where local

Article Out Loud – Malicious and Non-Malicious Cyber Incidents: Education and Preparation

Full article by Dan Scherr and Tanya Scherr, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness. In this featured article, two university professors describe the responsibility that organizations and their employees have in preventing cyberattacks. To ensure cyber resilience, disaster planning must include stakeholders across the organization. Learn more about hackers’

Article Out Loud – Securing Cities: The Fight Against Local Level Cyberthreats

  Full article by Michael Breslin, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, October 2, 2024. In this feature article, a cyber investigations specialist with extensive law enforcement experience describes how cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. At the local level, it forms the bedrock of the collective digital safety and

Article Out Loud – Thwarting Terrorist Threats at Home

  Full article by Richard Schoeberl, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, September 25, 2024. In this feature article, a terrorism expert with over 30 years of law enforcement experience revisits the events leading up to the September 11 attacks. Although the U.S. has not experienced another terrorist attack


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