2883 Highway 71 E
P.O. Box 285
Del Valle, TX 78617-9998
Founded in 1998, Domestic Preparedness continues to be a pioneering thought leader in the emergency preparedness, response, and recovery space. The multidisciplinary editorial focus helps professionals acquire critical information to develop collaborative, real-world solutions. With relevant, multidisciplinary, whole-community intelligence from the front lines, practitioners can learn from diverse perspectives. The authoritative, practitioner-centered, multimedia information platform disseminates intelligence the way busy management-level public- and private-sector professionals want to learn. This is the trusted source for content written by practitioners, for practitioners, with relevant, real-world best practices.
2883 Highway 71E
P.O. Box 285
Del Valle, TX 78617-9998
Founded in 1998, Domestic Preparedness continues to be a pioneering thought leader in the emergency preparedness, response, and recovery space. The multidisciplinary editorial focus helps professionals acquire critical information to develop collaborative, real-world solutions. With relevant, multidisciplinary, whole-community intelligence from the front lines, practitioners can learn from diverse perspectives. The authoritative, practitioner-centered, multimedia information platform disseminates intelligence the way busy management-level public- and private-sector professionals want to learn. This is the trusted source for content written by practitioners, for practitioners, with relevant, real-world best practices.
New Year’s Resolution – Stronger Communities
For many, January is a time for New Year’s resolutions – opportunities to avoid making past mistakes and a renewed energy for change and setting higher goals. For Domestic Preparedness readers, this may mean learning lessons from past incidents, creating or updating plans and procedures, or acquiring equipment and resources. It takes strong leadership skills, education, training, and forward-thinking to anticipate potential threats and consequences that could impact communities. However, as the old cliché goes, there is strength in numbers.
The authors in this January edition of the Domestic Preparedness Journal describe how communities can strengthen their efforts to mitigate future threats and their impacts. One county discovered weather radar gaps that limited access to information needed to protect against incoming storms. Now they are installing a system to warn locals about impending threats and how to protect themselves. A group of researchers saw how low-lying homes and structural weaknesses could have catastrophic consequences in flood waters. This inspired them to create a new design tool to help homeowners safely raise buildings to better protect properties and lives.
Like in these two examples, collaborative efforts bring together knowledgeable stakeholders across disciplines to drive resiliency. For example, community leaders who listen to and communicate with local stakeholders can acquire information and develop relationships that promote stronger and safer jurisdictions. Information sharing helps communities prepare for emergencies and assists during and after an incident. Collaboration that helps community leaders identify and mitigate threats, track patients, and reunify families are just a few other examples mentioned in this month’s issue.
The roles, responsibilities, vulnerabilities, and interdependencies of three more critical infrastructure sectors round out the issue. These sectors provide basic utilities and facilitate common daily activities. Collaboration and relationships help build actionable knowledge and resources to make the best decisions under difficult circumstances. This is a new year and an opportunity to make the changes and reach the goals needed to strengthen communities to address future threats and hazards. What is your New Year’s resolution for your community?
Click to view the January 2024 issue.
Catherine L. Feinman
Catherine L. Feinman, M.A., joined Domestic Preparedness in January 2010. She has more than 35 years of publishing experience and currently serves as editor-in-chief of the Domestic Preparedness Journal, DomesticPreparedness.com, and The Weekly Brief. She works with writers and other contributors to build and create new content that is relevant to the emergency preparedness, response, and recovery communities. She received a bachelor’s degree in International Business from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a master’s degree in Emergency and Disaster Management from American Military University.
August 2024
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August 2024
Realizing the Power of Community in Disaster Recovery
Article Out Loud – AI and 911 Call Systems: A New Ally or a Hidden Risk?