Article Out Loud – Unleashing the Power of Amateur Radio in Times of Emergency

By SCOTT ROBERTS & DESIREE BACCUS, An Article Out Loud from the Domestic Preparedness Journal, June 21, 2023.

Amateur radio operators are skilled communicators who serve as a lifeline during emergencies by relaying essential information, coordinating resources, and providing situational updates. On June 24-25, 2023, they will participate in the annual nationwide AARL Field Day event. 

Narrated by MacGregor Stephenson.

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Scott Roberts

Scott Roberts,KK4ECR,a dedicated amateur radio operator, obtained his license in 2011, driven by his desire to make a positive impact on the community. Joining the Clay County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ClayARES), he actively contributes to various events. Recognizing his passion for emergency communication,hewas appointedassistant emergency coordinatorfor Clay County andsection manager for the Northern Florida Section of ARES. He hasdemonstratedhisexpertiseas a net control operator in the face of five hurricanes that have struck Florida, effectively directing amateur radio communications from the Emergency Operations Center.Hisvaluable connections with public officials in Clay County, Florida, reflect his commitment to fostering collaboration. Additionally, he has shared his knowledge and experience through published articles and a book dedicated to amateur radio. 

Desiree Baccus

Desiree Baccus, N3DEZ, is a dedicated emergency management professional with a passion for amateur radio. She plays vital roles in many amateur radio and emergency response groups, such as Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and NASA Ames Research Center’s Disaster Assistance & Rescue Team (DART), showcasing her expertise and dedication to emergency communications. She also has served as the secretary and vice chair for the Colorado Federal Executive Board (CFEB) Emergency Preparedness Council (EPC), where she worked toward enhancing emergency response capabilities in her state. As a member of the Amateur Radio Relay League’s (ARRL) Public Relations Committee, she promotes amateur radio and its benefits to the public. Her previous roles include video production control coordinator and supply chain manager of IT warehouse safety officer at NASA Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, source evaluation board recorder at NASA Glenn Research Center, and administrative specialist for the Office of the Center Director at NASA Ames Research Center.



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