Article Out Loud – Social Media: A Seismic Opportunity

An Article Out Loud Flashback from the Domestic Preparedness Journal,  January 11, 2012.

News travels fast, especially on social media. In 2012, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) was embracing social media to better prepare its state for earthquakes. Since then, CalOES has continued to advance its efforts to provide early warning notifications to its residents through social media, mobile applications, and wireless alerts.

Narrated by Randy Vivian. 

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Jordan Scott

Jordan Scott is a Public Information Officer and the Director of Social Media for the California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA). In addition to his work building Cal EMA’s social media presence, he also develops and maintains content for the agency’s website and works with his team to coordinate public and media outreach efforts. Jordan joined Cal EMA in 2009 following thirteen years working with the California Environmental Protection Agency and some time in local radio conducting promotional outreach. In 2002, he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications Studies and Digital Media from California State University, Sacramento.



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