An Article Out Loud from the Domestic Preparedness Journal, July 26, 2011.
A distinguished national officer of the International Association of Emergency Managers provides a short but concise list of helpful recommendations that grant-seekers at all levels of government, and in the private sector, might be well advised to follow in preparing, reviewing, submitting, and following up on their own grant applications.
Narrated by Randy Vivian.

Randall C. Duncan
Randall C. Duncan is Director of Emergency Management for Sedgwick County (Wichita), Kansas, where he serves a population of nearly 500,000. He is a long-standing member and current Chairman of the Government Affairs Committee of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM). Serving in local government since 1986, his past experience includes President and Regional President of IAEM as well as President of the Kansas Emergency Management Association (KEMA).
- Randall C. Duncan#molongui-disabled-link