Article Out Loud – Family Terror Networks 2.0: January 6, Part 1

By DEAN C. ALEXANDER AND HUSEYIN CINOGLU, An Article Out Loud from the Domestic Preparedness, July 05, 2023.

Research shows family-affiliated extremism contributed to more than one-sixth of all January 6 defendants. Homeland security and law enforcement agencies must understand family-affiliated extremism and the efforts needed to combat it. Part 1 of 2.

Narrated by Randy Vivian.

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Dean C. Alexander

Dean C. Alexander JD, LLM, is the director of the Homeland Security Research Program and professor of Homeland Security at the School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration at Western Illinois University. In addition to numerous peer-reviewed publications, he has authored several books on terrorism, including: Family Terror Networks (2019); The Islamic State: Combating the Caliphate Without Borders (Lexington, 2015); Business Confronts Terrorism: Risks and Responses (University of Wisconsin Press, 2004); and Terrorism and Business: The Impact of September 11, 2001 (Transnational, 2002). In addition, he is frequently interviewed by domestic and international media, such as the Washington Post, Boston Globe, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Chicago Tribune, Dallas Morning News, Orlando Sentinel, Associated Press, Voice of America, Security Management, El Mercurio, Tribune de Genève, and NHK. He has provided on-air commentary for television and radio stations, including CBS Radio, Voice of America, Wisconsin Public Radio, and CB-Business.

Huseyin Cinoglu

Dr. Huseyin Cinogluis anassociateprofessor of Criminal Justice in the Department of Social Sciences at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU). Dr.Cinoglupublished and presented extensively in the areas of (countering) violent extremism, (countering) terrorism, (de)radicalization, immigration, crime and criminality, identity formation, and terrorist identity formation. He authored or co-authored several books. His publications appeared in respected journals such as International Journal on Criminology, European Scientific Journal (ESJ), International Journal of Human Sciences, and IOS Press. Dr.Cinoglu wasinterviewedby Newsweek and Laredo Morning 



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