Article Out Loud - Beyond Registries: Better Solutions for People With Disabilities

By JUNE ISAACSON KAILES, An Article Out Loud from the Domestic Preparedness, September 20, 2023.

Emergency planners often identify volunteer disaster registries as a solution for assisting people with disabilities during a disaster. However, registries have flaws. Learn about eight common registry problems and the author’s better solutions that should be considered.

Narrated by Bonnie Weidler.

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June Isaacson Kailes

June Kailes, a disability policy consultant (, has over four decades of experience as a writer, trainer, researcher, policy analyst, subject matter expert, mentor, and advocate. June focuses on building disability practice competencies and health care and emergency management capabilities. She uses actionable details, the “how, who, what, where, when, and why,” to operationalize the specificity needed to include people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs. June’s work converts laws, regulations, and guidance into tangible building blocks, tools, and procedures that close service gaps, prevent civil rights violations, and deliver inclusive, equally effective services.



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